Our Holistic Services
Acupuncture has been successfully used for over 2,500 years as a complete system of medicine. It utilizes a different scientific lens as an alternative approach to view the body, physiology and pathology. Acupuncture treatments embody a holistic approach to healing with individualized treatments aiming to bring harmony to the body, mind and spirit. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. The number of treatments vary depending on the severity, duration and nature of the ailment as well as the general health condition of the patient.
The ancient technique of cupping uses suction and negative pressure - provided by the use of Fire and the glass or porcelain cup. Its main purpose is to loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system. Cupping is mainly used to relieve back and neck pain but can treat pain anywhere in the body by increasing blood flow. Cupping also helps aid the relief of anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, immunity and even cellulite.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy consisting of burning dried mugwort on particular points on the body. Practitioners use moxa to warm regions and meridian points with the intention of stimulating circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of blood and qi. Benefits include pain management, increases healing times of Injuries, treatment of arthritic pain, improvements in headaches, migraines, benefits gynecological issues, menstrual pain, turning breech position of fetus, boosts immunity, protection against flus and colds, improvements from digestive complaints, such as abdominal pain, and diarrhea as well as vitality boosting and longevity promoting benefits.
Auricular Therapies
Auricular Therapies include Auricular ear seeds and magnets. Auricular Acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that involves inserting needles into specific points on the ear. Stimulating these points is thought to promote healing in other areas of the body. This is based on the idea that the ear holds a microsystem for the entire body. It has proven to be an efficient method of treating a wide variety of conditions, from headaches and allergies to addictions and pain disorders. Studies have shown that auricular acupuncture alone can increase calmness, better sleep, and reduce agitation, relief from stress and emotional trauma. Oftentimes patients are given magnets or seeds to continue the treatment of acupuncture over a period of a couple days post acupuncture session.
Herbal Medicine
The Chinese Materia Medica (a pharmacological reference book used by TCM practitioners) describes thousands of medicinal substances—primarily plants, but also some minerals and animal products. Different parts of plants, such as the leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds perhaps minerals or other natural ingredients are used. In TCM, herbs are often combined in formulas and given as teas, capsules, liquid extracts, granules, or powders. Herbal prescriptions can be tailored to the individual to address most any known disease to help you restore your health and well being. Chinese herbal medicine works in tandem with acupuncture by providing the nourishing support for the energetic reprogramming efforts of acupuncture.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice that involves the scraping of the skin, historically with a spoon or coin and more recently with specialized tools made of stone or bone. It is theorized that GuaSha may help break down scar tissue and reduce inflammation thereby improving movement in the joints and relieving pain in musculoskeletal conditions. Gua Sha can increase collagen, ease migraine pain, get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles, smoothing fine lines and sagging facial muscles, improve blood circulation and promote lymphatic drainage on the face. Gua Sha can benefit the immune system and reduce inflammation. Gua Sha is often used with breastfeeding mothers experiencing breast engorgement. It can relieve painful and swollen breasts making it difficult for babies to latch. Women experiencing Perimenopausal Syndrome have also found that weekly Gua Sha treatments help to relieve insomnia, irregular periods, anxiety, fatigue and hot flashes.
Microneedling, also called percutaneous collagen induction therapy, is performed using a handheld pen-shaped device, electrically powered, with tiny needles that make precise, microscopic punctures in the skin. These “micro-injuries” do not leave scars; they work by helping to stimulate the skin to repair itself naturally through a process called dermal remodeling. This process starts with inflammation, which stimulates the skin to produce new collagen (the elastic fibers that make skin tight, smooth, and youthful). Collagen levels in the skin decline as we age, and new collagen can be produced when the skin is in repair mode. Three to five monthly or biweekly treatments are recommended to achieve desired results. Through a series of sessions, microneedling can increase elastic skin fibers. Microneedling also helps the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), which naturally thins with age, become thicker and tauter.
Facial (Cosmetic) Acupuncture
Facial treatments are a great way to see and feel the immediate effects of this natural medicine because you always get a full health assessment, body treatment and facial protocol with each session. Stimulate collagen naturally to your face with Cosmetic Acupuncture. I use ultra-thin needles to create micro-circulation to your face, relax your facial muscles and give you that natural glow. My unique treatment plan is like a spa session for your face! Starting with facial gua sha, I then needle specific areas of the face, adding skin serums and full body treatment as well while you rest with a Celluma, a healing light panel, for red or blue light therapy
Sunlighten Table Sauna
This one-person sauna surrounds you with the highly effective infrared treatment in a portable, single person mini sanctuary. You can destress your mind, boost your immune system, burn calories, improve circulation and naturally detoxify your body easily and effectively while resting in this lying down version of the full sunlighten sauna.
Sunlighten Amplify Sauna
The Amplify II delivers what its name promises because of the unique full spectrum heater mix. Two heater types work together. Sunlighten’s patented SoloCarbon far infrared heaters send the high quality and high quantity infrared wavelengths for maximum cellular absorption, halogen heaters push the air temp up to 170 degrees F, all with Sunlighten’s proprietary design that produces virtually no EMFs. Enjoy a productive pause in silence or play your ultimate playlist on your premium sound system while you recover.
BallancerPro Lymphatic Drainage
The Lymphatic System works in cooperation with white blood cells to protect the body in many ways. These include prevention of infection by cancer cells, fungi, viruses, and other bacteria. when our lymph nodes become swollen, unpleasant health issues tend to ensue. You can improve your body’s ability to protect itself by addressing symptoms of swollen lymph Nodes. With the Ballancer®Pro you can massage your lymphatic system often to help keep your body disease-free. Lymph movement is essential to a healthy lymphatic system. Being able to perform this function occurs with low pressure peristalsis. The involuntary, wave-like constriction and relaxation of muscles inside your body. The Ballancer®Pro can help improve the draining process of the body.The patented Pre-Therapy® cycle delivers a preparatory massage of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes in the proximal areas near the core of the body. This gentle, relaxing massage drains the lymph nodes that are generally filled with fluid first, and paves the way for an enhanced circulation of lymph. As the sequence progresses, it begins the compression moving from the extremities up into the thoracic area.
Kuleana + Sol Seek Launch a Wellness Partnership